If you have a knack for learning, experienced personal success from hard work and schooling, or a penchant for a great education, the Foundation is a fit for you.
Sponsor, Give, or Volunteer.
Join US.
Your financial support is the direct one-to-one for funding our projects, scholarships, and initiatives.
Consider becoming a monthly donor to the good work of The Foundation.. It's a monthly vote yes, for a great education.
Co-Partner with The Foundation aligned to your business and need for next generation talent and skills.
People with a penchant for learning and the life-long value of a quality education, join in as Members or Event Volunteers.
In support of D303's core values: Belonging, Perseverance, and Achievement, our funding emphasis is:
Challenge the gifted, support the challenged, and for all students, provide the best programs, recognize initiative, and reward achievement.
We fund leading edge pilot programs, innovative teaching methods, projects for the creative arts, and honor students with scholarships.
Vice President
Board Member - Promotion and Media
Past President - Sponsorship
Board Member - Grants
Board Member - Tributes, Finance Committee and Board Membership
Board Member - Finance Committee
Board Member - Technology and Media
Board Member - Sponsorship
Board Member - Technology Support
For OUR Teachers & Students.